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Four And A Half Million Working Days Spent With Hangovers This Coming January

As is the custom this time of year, diet warnings and diet plans, especially those with celebrity names attached, leap out from behind the crimbo tree, via TV, radio and print media; assured to line the pockets of those jumping on the body guilt bandwagon they sustain.

However, one of the few organisations to start up a festive season health campaign of any value, is Alcohol Concern.

Click to download and print offFor the majority, January is usually a month of being locked in work or in the home, worrying about the crimbo over-spend, and being totally skint, unable to venture out socially - and that is only the effect crimbo has on finances!

With more than four and a half million working days in the UK being be lost to hangovers in January, according to the the charity Alcohol Concern, the ill effects are not just financial, but potentially life shortening!

As the season to be 'merry' is upon us, Alcohol Concern has launched its campaign to get people to try going dry for 31 days - Dry January.

It's estimated that around 200,000 thousand people go to work with a hangover every day, costing the economy around £6.4 billion each year. But it's not just at work that the cost of alcohol misuse is racking up, overall alcohol related harm is now estimated to cost society £21 billion every year.

Emily Robinson Director of Campaigns, Alcohol Concern, said:

"Many of us think the way we drink isn't a problem, but even having just a few beers after work or a few glasses of wine at home too often can take you over safe limits and store up problems for the future.

We're challenging people to take part in Dry January and try giving up booze for 31 days and if it sounds like a big ask you're exactly the person we want to join us and have a go.

We're not being killjoys or telling people to never drink again, we just think this provides the perfect opportunity for all of us to take a breather and get thinking about our drinking."

The Dry January campaign was launched weeks after Alcohol Concern published its Alcohol Harm Map which found the biggest drain on NHS resources were baby boomers not young binge drinkers as many assume.

People who regularly drink over recommended limits are more likely to find themselves with health problems because of it, including liver disease, heart disease and high blood pressure; alcohol is also the second biggest risk factor for cancer after smoking.

Alcohol Concern is challenging people to sign up to Dry January and aim to stay booze free for the entire month.
It is hoped those taking part will use it as an opportunity to ditch the hangover, reduce their waistline, save some pennies and take time to think about whether their drinking is really working for them.

According to the Government's Alcohol Strategy 2012:

  • There were more than 1 million alcohol related violent crimes in England and Wales in 2010 / 2011;

  • 1.2 million alcohol related hospital admissions in England and Wales in 2010 / 2011;

  • Alcohol is one of the three biggest lifestyle risk factors for disease and death in the UK after smoking and obesity.

  • Levels of binge drinking among 15-16 year olds in the UK compare poorly with many other European countries;

  • Dry January is a campaign by Alcohol Concern aimed at the social drinker and encouraging them to give up alcohol fora month. It is not a medical detox programme.

For more info, visit Alcohol Concern website

Source: Alcohol Concern  

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